Convert Color to RGB


This is sample code. Add error handling and adjust to your requirements as necessary.

Convert Color to HTML

This is sample code. Add error handling and adjust to your requirements as necessary.

Changing Windows default printer

Sometimes it's necessary to change Windows default printer from within VFP application. It can be done with Windows API, WSH or WMI.

Changing Command Window Font Programmatically

This code uses Editor functions from Foxtools.fll. See George Tasker's Extended Foxtools Help Download #9333 on UT for more info.

Basic Credit Card Validation


Based on

Alphanumeric key incrementing routine


Creates next string key from the passed one using specified set of characters

Adler32 Checksum

Adler32 is different from CRC32. It's much faster but a little bit less reliable. The free ZLIB.DLL from has a function to calculate Adler32.

Add Background Image to VFP desktop

The code below shows how to add a background image to the VFP desktop using the VFP Image control.
