Retrieving Windows TaskBar Size and Location

A location and size of the Windows Taskbar can be retrieved with SHAppBarMessage Function.

Array Browser utility


Array Browser utility is a development tool to view an array content in a Browse window. Useful in analyzing content of the arrays during development process.

How to change file attributes programmatically


There're many ways to change file attributes. It can be done through Windows Explorer, DOS ATTRIB comand, third party utilites, e.t.c. Also it can be done programmatically using Windows Scripting Host (WSH) or/and Windows API.

Preventing BackSpace key in a TextBox from moving a cursor to the previous control


Deleting characters in a TextBox with Backspace key doesn't stop when cursor reaches the beginning position but unexpectedly moves cursor to the previous control. It could cause unintended deletion of the data there.

Check if table is part of DBC


It is easy to find out if a table belongs to the open Database Container (DBC) using INDBC() function. Sometimes it's necessary to check it w/o referring to DBC itself.

Birthday Query in VFP

It's a common request to get a list of people whose birthday (or an anniversary date) falls into specified date range w/o regard to the year.

End-user account info from Active Directory for Windows network login

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Ordinal Numbers


Ordinal numbers refer to a position in a series and usually are presented as a number and one of the suffixes -th, -st, -nd and -rd.

Visual FoxPro ODBC driver

Visual FoxPro ODBC driver was last updated around VFP6 SP3. It supports a subset of VFP 6.0 features but not any new ones introduced in VFP7 and later. See VFP 6.0 Help file and Unsupported Visual FoxPro Commands and Functions (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) for additional information. It'll not recognize any tables that use VFP7 and later new features and either ignore them or give an error when trying to access them.
