Retrieving Printer Capabilities

In Enumerating printer forms article the DeviceCapabilities

function is used to mark print forms supported by particular printer. It can be used to retrieve other printer capabilities as well.

VFP 9.0 Versions

VFP 9.0 version information for service packs and hotfixes.

Enumerating printer forms

Enumerating of printer forms can be done with Windows API EnumForms function. Contrary to what MSDN says, it returns the list of all printer forms on PC, not just for the specific printer. On other hand, DeviceCapabilities can return a list of supported paper sizes for the printer.

AError() function returns extended information for errors 1104 and 1105 in Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2


Visual FoxPro 9.0 Service Pack 2 improves the capability of the AError() function for errors 1104 - Error reading file, and 1105 - Error writing file. For these errors only, the array produced by AError() contains additional error information consisting of the underlying operating system error number and error text. The error number and error text are stored in the AError() array, elements 6 and 7 respectively.

VFP 9.0 Report Writer

Links to the articles that cover new features in VFP 9.0 Report Writer

VFP 9.0 Report Features in Runtime

In order to deploy VFP 9.0 object-assisted report features in runtime, the REPORT*.APP files have to be distributed with your application and their location stored into _REPORT* system variables. The error 'Variable _REPORTOUTPUT is not found' may be generated if they are not populated properly.

Using XmlAdapter to Create and Load Nested XML


An XmlAdapter in VFP 9.0 allows to create and load nested XML.

Moving Applications to VFP 9.0


When moving to VFP 9.0 from a previous version, start by checking What's New in Visual FoxPro section of the VFP7, VFP8 and VFP9 help, in particular Behavior Changes Since ...

Editable checkbox in a Grid with AllowCellSelection disabled

The GridHitTest method can be used to to determine where user clicked on the grid and update checkbox accordingly. Note that checkbox status can be changed by mouse only because there's no current cell when AllowCellSelection=.F.

Converting ADO Recordset to Cursor with CursorAdapter

CursorAdapter can easily convert ADO recordset into a VFP cursor. It does not support conversion in opposite direction.
