Check if table is part of DBC
It is easy to find out if a table belongs to the open Database Container (DBC) using INDBC() function. Sometimes it's necessary to check it w/o referring to DBC itself.
The low level file functions (LLFF) can be used to open a table as a file and check its header for backlink to the DBC. The Table Header Record Structure is documented in VFP help under Table File Structure.
Note 1 Presence of the backlink does not guarantee that table is a part of DBC.
This is sample code. Add error handling and adjust to your requirements as necessary. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ? IsTableInDBC("C:\myfolder\mytable.dbf") RETURN FUNCTION IsTableInDBC LPARAMETERS tcTableName LOCAL lnOffset, lcBuffer, lcRetVal * Open table low-level as a text file lnFh1 = FOPEN(tcTableName) IF lnFh1 < 0 lcRetVal = "***CANNOT OPEN TABLE***" RETURN lcRetVal ENDIF * Make sure that's VFP table lcBuffer = FREAD(lnFh1, 1) DO CASE CASE INLIST(ASC(lcBuffer), 0x03, 0x83, 0xF5) * FoxPro (pre VFP) table lcRetVal = "***FREE TABLE***" CASE NOT INLIST(ASC(lcBuffer), 0x30, 0x31, 0x32) = FCLOSE(lnFh1) * not VFP table lcRetVal = "***NOT VFP TABLE***" RETURN lcRetVal OTHERWISE * Continue ENDCASE * Position of the first data record - 2 bytes = FSEEK(lnFh1, 8, 0) * Offset to the beginning of the DBC name - 263 bytes back lnOffset = ASC(FREAD(lnFh1,1)) + ASC(FREAD(lnFh1,1)) * 256 - 263 = FSEEK(lnFh1, lnOffset, 0) * The DBC name or 0x00's if it's free table lcBuffer = FREAD(lnFh1, 263) = FCLOSE(lnFh1) IF ASC(lcBuffer) = 0 lcRetVal = "***FREE TABLE***" ELSE * table in dbc, return DBC name lcRetVal = LEFT( lcBuffer, AT( CHR(0), lcBuffer) - 1) ENDIF RETURN lcRetVal
Check if table is part of DBC