Fix VFP file associations to open files in one VFP instance
The files associated with VFP are opened in a new instance of VFP when double-clicked or 'Open' verb is executed on them. It's configured in Windows not in VFP.
To open such files in one VFP instance, save following registry update as vfpfiletypes.reg and double-click on it to modify registry for VFP9 associations.
Note: It can be applied to previous VFP version as well by changing one line that references VFP 9. That line also has to be changed if VFP installed in the folder different from default.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\\vfp9.exe\""
I assume this also means, DDE is still working in Win8.1
VFP 9 Default Folder Always System32?
Any additional advice on that issue would be deeply appreciated.