Read POP3 Mail using Winsock
Working pop3Email class is based on the code from by William Steinford.
Sample code that shows how to use the class is included below it.
It will only run on PC with VFP installed. See Appropriate license for this class not found error at runtime for details.
In order to run it w/o VFP installed, create a new form, drop MS Winsock ActiveX control on it and save as Winsock class in Winsock.vcx. After that change the Init of the class as follows
1 2 3 4 5 6 PROCEDURE INIT THIS.oWsform = NEWOBJECT("Winsock", "Winsock") THIS.oSocket = THIS.oWsform.Olecontrol1.Object *THIS.oSocket = CREATEOBJECT("mswinsock.winsock") ENDPROC
Pop3Email class
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DIMENSION aSizeOfMsg[1] PROCEDURE INIT *THIS.oWsform = NEWOBJECT("Winsock", "Winsock") *THIS.oSocket = THIS.oWsform.Olecontrol1.Object THIS.oSocket = CREATEOBJECT("mswinsock.winsock") ENDPROC FUNCTION Connect(tcServerName, tcUser, tcPassword) LOCAL lnTime, lConnected THIS.cServerName = ALLTRIM( IIF( VARTYPE(tcServerName)="C", tcServerName, THIS.cServerName ) ) THIS.cUser = ALLTRIM( IIF( VARTYPE(tcUser)="C", tcUser, THIS.cUser ) ) THIS.cPassword = IIF( VARTYPE(tcPassword)="C", tcPassword, THIS.cPassword ) This.lConnected = .F. THIS.oSocket.CONNECT(THIS.cServerName, THIS.cServerPort) && 110 Pop3 Port lnTime = SECONDS() DO WHILE THIS.oSocket.State <> 7 * ?"Waiting to connect..." INKEY(0.01) * ?"state="+tran(THIS.oSocket.State) IF This.Elapsed(SECONDS(), lnTime) > This.nConnectTimeOut THIS.cErrorMessage = "Time out connecting to the server " + THIS.cServerName RETURN .F. ENDIF ENDDO This.lConnected = .T. * ?"State="+tran(THIS.oSocket.State) IF NOT THIS.CheckResponse(CONNECTION_CHECK) RETURN .F. ENDIF IF NOT THIS.SendMessageOk( "USER " + This.cUser, User_CHECK ) RETURN .F. ENDIF IF NOT THIS.SendMessageOk( "PASS " + This.cPassword, Password_CHECK ) RETURN .F. ENDIF RETURN .T. *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION DELETE(tnMsgNumber) RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "DELE " + TRANSFORM(tnMsgNumber), DELETE_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION NOOP RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "NOOP ", NOOP_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- * Return the Msg Size for given message number FUNCTION GetMessageSize(tnMsgNumber) IF ALEN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg) <= tnMsgNumber RETURN 0 ENDIF RETURN THIS.aSizeOfMsg[tnMsgNumber+1] *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION RESET() RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "RSET ", RSET_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- * cMsgContents will hold the message body FUNCTION Retrieve(tnMsgNumber) RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "RETR " + TRANSFORM(tnMsgNumber), RETR_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Statistics() RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "STAT ", STAT_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ListMessages RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "LIST ", LIST_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Disconnect() RETURN THIS.SendMessageOk( "QUIT ", QUIT_CHECK ) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SendMessageOk( tcMsg, tnType ) THIS.oSocket.SendData(tcMsg+crlf) RETURN THIS.CheckResponse(tnType) *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION CheckResponse(ResponseType) LOCAL lcBuf, laList, lnI, lcSamp, lnLine lcBuf = THIS.ReadData() THIS.cServerResponse = lcBuf DO CASE CASE ResponseType = CONNECTION_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Bad Connection" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = User_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" cErrorMessage = "Bad User Name" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = Password_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Bad Password Name" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = QUIT_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during QUIT" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = DELETE_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during DELE" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = RSET_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during RSET" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = STAT_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during STAT" RETURN .F. ENDIF DIMENSION laList[1] IF ALINES(laList, lcBuf,.T., SPACE(1)) <> 3 THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during STAT" RETURN .F. ENDIF THIS.nNumberOfEmails = INT(VAL(laList[2])) THIS.nTotalMailSize = INT(VAL(laList[3])) CASE ResponseType = NOOP_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during NOOP" RETURN .F. ENDIF CASE ResponseType = LIST_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during LIST" RETURN .F. ENDIF lnI = 1 lcSamp = SUBSTR(lcBuf,lnI,1) lnLine = 1 DO WHILE lcSamp<>"." AND lnI<1000 && "\0" IF lcSamp=CHR(13) lnLine = lnLine + 1 ENDIF IF lnLine > 1 IF (lcSamp=CHR(9) OR lcSamp=" ") && *p == "\t" || *p == " ") DIMENSION THIS.aSizeOfMsg[ ALEN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg)+1 ] THIS.aSizeOfMsg[ALEN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg)] = VAL(SUBSTR(lcBuf,lnI)) *? " Email #"+TRAN(ALEN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg)-1)+" size="+TRAN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg[alen(THIS.aSizeOfMsg)]) ENDIF ENDIF lnI = lnI + 1 lcSamp = SUBSTR(lcBuf,lnI,1) ENDDO THIS.nNumberOfEmails = ALEN(THIS.aSizeOfMsg)-1 CASE ResponseType = RETR_CHECK IF lcBuf="-ERR" THIS.cErrorMessage = "Error occurred during RETR" RETURN .F. ELSE THIS.cMsgContents = lcBuf + THIS.ReadData() ENDIF ENDCASE RETURN .T. *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ReadData LOCAL lcMsgIn, lnTime, lcBuffer lnTime = SECONDS() DO WHILE THIS.oSocket.BytesReceived = 0 * ?"Waiting to Receive data..." INKEY(0.2) *Sleep(100) IF This.Elapsed(SECONDS(), lnTime) > This.nConnectTimeOut * ?"Timed Out" RETURN "" ENDIF DOEVENTS ENDDO lcBuffer = REPL(CHR(0),10000) && chr(0),10000) * ?"(in) Bytes Received: "+tran(THIS.oSocket.BytesReceived) * THIS.oSocket.Receive(lcBuf, len(lcBuf)) DOEVENTS lcMsgIn = "" IF THIS.oSocket.State = 7 DO WHILE THIS.oSocket.BytesReceived > 0 THIS.oSocket.GETDATA(@lcBuffer,vbString) lcMsgIn = lcMsgIn + lcBuffer INKEY(0.1) ENDDO ENDIF * lcMsgIn = LEFT( lcMsgIn, AT(chr(0),lcMsgIn) ) * ?"(in) Data Read: ("+tran(len(lcMsgIn))+","+tran(THIS.oSocket.BytesReceived)+" bytes) "+lcMsgIn RETURN lcMsgIn *--------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE DESTROY DODEFAULT() IF THIS.lConnected THIS.Disconnect() ENDIF THIS.oWsform = NULL *--------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Elapsed LPARAMETERS tnENdSeconds, tnStartSeconds LOCAL lnElapsed lnElapsed = tnENdSeconds - tnStartSeconds DO WHILE (lnElapsed < 0) lnElapsed = lnElapsed + 86400 && 1day = 24h*60m*60s ENDDO RETURN lnElapsed ENDDEFINE
Sample code that shows how to use class to retrieve email
This is sample code. Add error handling and adjust to your requirements as necessary. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 LOCAL loMail lcCrLf = CHR(13) + CHR(10) loMail = NEWOBJECT("pop3mail", "pop3EmailClass.fxp") * Change configuration data to your POP3 server loMail.cServerName = "" loMail.cUser = "john" loMail.cPassword = "secret" lcTempPath = ADDBS(SYS(2023)) lcFilePrefix = "Mail" lcFileSuffix = SYS(2015) lcFileExt = ".txt" IF NOT loMail.Connect() ? "Error Connecting:" + loMail.cErrorMessage RETURN .F. ENDIF IF NOT loMail.Statistics() ? "STAT failed" RETURN .F. ENDIF IF loMail.nNumberOfEmails = 0 ? "No Emails to download" RETURN .T. ENDIF IF loMail.nNumberOfEmails > 1 ? "Total # of Emails: " + TRANSFORM(loMail.nNumberOfEmails) ? "Total Size of Emails: " + TRANSFORM(loMail.nTotalMailSize) ENDIF FOR lnI = 1 TO loMail.nNumberOfEmails IF loMail.nNumberOfEmails > 1 ? "Downloading Email # " + TRANSFORM(lnI) ENDIF = loMail.Retrieve(lnI) lcEmail = loMail.cMsgContents IF lcEmail = "+OK" AND RIGHT(lcEmail, 5) = lcCrLf + "." + lcCrLf lnPos = AT(lcCrLf, lcEmail) lcEmail = SUBSTR(lcEmail, lnPos+2, LEN(lcEmail) - (lnPos+6)) lcTempFileName = lcTempPath + lcFilePrefix + TRANSFORM(lnI) + lcFileSuffix + lcFileExt * Write email to file STRTOFILE(lcEmail + lcCrLf, lcTempFileName ) * Process email here *... * Delete email from server *IF llDeleteMail AND NOT loMail.Delete(lnI) * ? "Couldn't delete email.") *ENDIF ELSE ? "Email " + TRANSFORM(lnI) + + " wasn't downloaded correctly from POP3." ENDIF ENDFOR loMail = NULL
pop3Email Class and Gmail
I believe it passed thru the .Connect() functionality but Returned "STAT FAILED" on .Statistics()
Could you help!
RE: pop3Email Class and Gmail
receive mail from gmail
Warm regards,
save file attachments
I want to save file attachments by Winstock !
Help me please
Not working at all
Why those code not working for Gmail or Hotmail? what the ISP should I used?
Winsock not working with SSL mail server
Winsock not working with SSL mail server. The are no option for this so Winsock can not connect directly to Mail server with SSL option. You should simulate the full security part by yourself... :-( Better to use some other way.