Retrieving Extended File Properties
When you right-click a file in Windows Explorer and select Properties from the shortcut menu, a dialog box displays basic properties for that file, including such things as file name, file size, and the file creation, last access, and last modification dates. In addition to these basic properties, the Windows operating system also tracks a number of extended file properties. These properties are typically hidden; to display them in Windows Explorer, you must click View, click Choose Details, and then select the desired properties from the resulting dialog box.
The Shell Folder object includes a GetDetailsOf method that allows to access these extended properties. A ParseName methodcan be used to retrieve a FolderItem object that represents a specified item.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 CLEAR #DEFINE ccPropName 1 #DEFINE ccPropIndex 2 #DEFINE ccPropValue 3 lcCRLF = CHR(13) + CHR(10) loShell = CREATEOBJECT("Shell.Application") DIMENSION laFileProperties[1,3] lnPropCount = 0 lcFolderName = "C:\Windows" loFolder = loShell.Namespace(lcFolderName) * Enumerate available properties by passing Null as the first parameter to the GetDetailsOf() method FOR i = 0 TO 99 lcPropName = loFolder.GetDetailsOf(Null, i) IF EMPTY(lcPropName) * Ignore empty items. They're either reserved or not supported for the current folder. LOOP ENDIF * One property lnPropCount = lnPropCount + 1 DIMENSION laFileProperties[lnPropCount, ALEN(laFileProperties,2)] * Property name laFileProperties[lnPropCount,ccPropName] = lcPropName * Property index for the GetDetailsOf() method laFileProperties[lnPropCount,ccPropIndex] = i ENDFOR * Special 'Info Tip' ptoperty with index -1 lnPropCount = lnPropCount + 1 DIMENSION laFileProperties[lnPropCount, ALEN(laFileProperties,2)] laFileProperties[lnPropCount,ccPropName] = "Info Tip" laFileProperties[lnPropCount,ccPropIndex] = -1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Retrieve extended properties for a particular file and store its values in the same array (column 3) * and convert properties into cursor's fields through XmlToCursor() lcFileName = "clock.avi" loFolder = loShell.Namespace(lcFolderName) * Get reference to the file loFile = loFolder.ParseName(lcFileName) * Check if file exists and retreive property values IF NOT ISNULL(loFile) lcXml = [<!--?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?--><vfpdata>] lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + "<fileproperties>" FOR lnInd=1 TO lnPropCount lvValue = loFolder.GetDetailsOf(loFile, laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropIndex]) laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropValue] = lvValue lcFieldName = CHRTRAN(laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropName], SPACE(1), "") lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + TEXTMERGE("<{{lcFieldName}}>{{lvValue}}<!--{{lcFieldName}}--> ",.F.,"{{", "}}" ) ENDFOR lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + "</fileproperties>" lcXml = lcXml + "</vfpdata>" ENDIF XMLTOCURSOR(lcXML, "crsFilePropertiesEx") BROWSE LAST NOWAIT *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Retrieve extended properties for a list of files in the same folder loFolder = loShell.Namespace(lcFolderName) lcXml = [<!--?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?--><vfpdata>] FOR EACH loItem IN loFolder.Items IF INLIST(UPPER(JUSTEXT(loItem.Name)), "AVI", "BMP") lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + "<fileproperties>" FOR lnInd=1 TO lnPropCount lvValue = loFolder.GetDetailsOf(loItem, laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropIndex]) laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropValue] = lvValue lcFieldName = CHRTRAN(laFileProperties[lnInd, ccPropName], SPACE(1), "") lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + TEXTMERGE("<{{lcFieldName}}>{{lvValue}}<!--{{lcFieldName}}--> ",.F.,"{{", "}}" ) ENDFOR lcXml = lcXml + lcCRLF + "</fileproperties>" ENDIF ENDFOR lcXml = lcXml + "</vfpdata>" XMLTOCURSOR(lcXML, "crsFilesPropertiesEx") BROWSE LAST NOWAIT RETURN
Retrieve GPS EXIF tags from a JPG
I don't think anyone has done this in VFP before although there are plenty of viewers written in C++. I want mine in VFP - So any thoughts would be useful.
Re: Retrieve GPS EXIF tags from a JPG
Apparently it has been done in VFP already <a href="">GDI+: reading and writing metadata in JPEG and TIFF files </a>. Check also <a href="">GdiPlusX</a>.