Retrieving Windows system error message

The WIN API FormatMessage function (among other things) can retrieve message definition from an already-loaded module or the system's message table. The error code usually is provided by the GetLastError

WIN API function.

Read POP3 Mail using Winsock

Working pop3Email class is based on the code from by William Steinford.

Queries and Filtered Cursors


clause can create a filtered cursor under following conditions:

  • Only one table is referenced by the query
  • WHERE condition is fully optimizable and can be represented by SET FILTER TO command
  • In the Select list either '*' specified (all fields) or subset of the fields from the table
  • No additional clauses, like DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc., are present
  • SET EXACT and SET ANSI settings match

Pixels and Foxels

Foxel is a Visual FoxPro term that corresponds to the maximum height and average width of a character in the current font. The row height corresponds to the maximum height of a letter in the current font; the column width corresponds to the average width of a letter in the current font.

Password Quality Estimation Function


Simple password quality estimation function. Based on the code from KeePass Password Safe


Moving Applications to VFP 9.0


When moving to VFP 9.0 from a previous version, start by checking What's New in Visual FoxPro section of the VFP7, VFP8 and VFP9 help, in particular Behavior Changes Since ...

Outlook - Add Color Coding to Calendar Items

The Outlook model doesn't provide access to the Label property, but it can be retrieved/changed via CDO 1.21.
Requires Outlook 2002 or later. Tested with Outlook 2003 only.
Based on
