Read POP3 Mail using Winsock

Working pop3Email class is based on the code from by William Steinford.

Queries and Filtered Cursors


clause can create a filtered cursor under following conditions:

  • Only one table is referenced by the query
  • WHERE condition is fully optimizable and can be represented by SET FILTER TO command
  • In the Select list either '*' specified (all fields) or subset of the fields from the table
  • No additional clauses, like DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc., are present
  • SET EXACT and SET ANSI settings match

Pixels and Foxels

Foxel is a Visual FoxPro term that corresponds to the maximum height and average width of a character in the current font. The row height corresponds to the maximum height of a letter in the current font; the column width corresponds to the average width of a letter in the current font.

Loading XML into a WEB Browser Control from Variable

The code below uses default Internet Explorer XSLT to convert XML into HTML.

How to pass parameters to VFP EXE

Passing command-line parameters from Windows to VFP created EXE is different from passing parameters to VFP programs or functions in VFP application:

  • All parameters are passed to EXE as strings
  • Parameters should not be enclosed in single quotes because quotes will be treated as part of parameter
  • Parameters with spaces can be enclosed in double quotes
  • Parameters are separated by spaces not commas

Enumerating IE instances


The Windows Shell

provides a powerful set of automation objects that enable you to access the file system, launch programs, and change system settings.

The Shell Windows Method

creates and returns a ShellWindows object that represents a collection of all of the open windows that belong to the Shell, including Internet Explorer.
